Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Earth Day Environmental Abuse Awareness T-shirts

Earth Enviroment Abuse

A very original,confronting design. Designed to be a little more shocking than usual green design tees.

It seems with all of the global warming,conservation and Earth day type promotional awareness campaigns, we should be doing more. It's easy to agree with the cause but ignore the effects when it isn't a visible or obvious,in your face everyday.

This design has been created to make people think more about the abuse of our planet, that we conveniently forget. It features our beautiful earth with a black eye. It is available on many different t-shirts, including organic, stickers ,buttons, banners, cards, posters plus many other items at http://www.cafepress.com/soulfulngifted/5257950

Why not check out the full range of environment awareness designs at http://www.cafepress.com/soulfulngifted/2905420